I have been blogging for an entire year. WHAT!?!? It is crazy to me how quickly that went! I still feel totally new to all of this! The past year has been absolutely wonderful. Blogging has given me a way to grow my business, but more importantly a creative outlet and a way to meet wonderful people. I am so grateful for the sweet peeps that click to this little blog. It is so fun to be able to share my thoughts, outfits, and other fun (and lame…mostly lame) things on a little space here on the world wide web. It  is a lot of hard work but I love every second of it. What has the past year looked like? Lots of stuff! Putting this post together was so fun for me because I got to look back through so many memories of what blogging has been like!
If you didn’t know, my photography has officially been moved over to a website dedicated to it. This was the plan from the beginning but, ya’ll coding is hard and building a website took much longer than I anticipated. It is finally done and you can check it out Here!
Now lets start the look back! Click on any of the pictures in this post to take you to the original post!Â
Fashion: When I started blogging I wouldn’t have guessed that fashion would be such a big part of it! Although I’m not sure why it surprised me because the majority of the blogs I read are fashion based! I do not by any means believe I’ve got “style” or am skilled at fashion whatsoever, but I have had a ton of fun documenting outfits that feel fun to me, or that I have been wearing at the moment. I’m sure in 30 years once trends have changed drastically I will look back in horror on my outfits, but thats partially whats fun about it!
Hair:Â Styling my hair is nothing more than a hobby to me, but I do enjoy it! Hopefully everyone has found some tips or ideas from these posts!
Life: Goodness gracious is life sweet. Hard, challenging, and ever-changing? yes. Sweet? yes. yes. yes. Basically the gist of it is that I am SO grateful for a Father whose plans are far better than mine. thankyouverymuch.
Brunch Babes: As I said earlier, one of my favorite things about this year has been connecting with other creative ladies! Through emails, Facebook messages, and mutual friends I have been able to connect with people, but through the series Brunch Babes I have been able to share these wonderful people with you! I have loved that this series brings people together from all over, not just in Michigan! THIS is what the creative industry is about in my opinion. Connecting, building relationships, and building each other up! I can’t wait to share more #GIRLBOSSES with you in the coming year! If you have any special requests let me know!
Diy’s & Recipes: Oh how I love crafting and cooking! I am hoping that this will become an even bigger part of the blog in the next year!
I just want to say thank you for all of you who read my randomness. 🙂 I would love to know what YOU want to see in the next year? Please comment, or write me to tell me any ideas/requests you have! I can’t wait to hear your ideas! Cheers to another year!Â
Somethings i love about your blog…
Everything with stripes, your inspiring hair tutorials, and all the little red hair children.
Things i would like to see …
Diy’s, pictures of places that inspire you and things to do around grand rapids.
Thank you so much for the comment Kingsley! You are so sweet and I’m so happy you have liked those posts! Those little red headed kiddos are my nephews and niece! I’m kind of obsessed with them :). I am so excited to hear things you would like to see! Those are awesome ideas and I am excited to get to work on them! I have some DIY’s coming up soon and I love the ideas about places that inspire me and things to do in GR! Thanks SO much!!