Today I’m interrupting my usually scheduled blog content to tell you about something really exciting I’ve been working on! I keep writing and re-writing this post trying to word things just the right way, so ya know what, I’m just gonna keep it simple!
This past summer the Lord gave me an idea and I have been hard at work on it ever since. Starting on November 6 I will be releasing a daily (Monday-Friday) email newsletter to help women get into the Word! I feel really passionately about women reading and deeply studying their Bible. It is a practice that has truly transformed my life and I have seen the same out of other ladies time and time again.
But here is the truth: we all know we are really good at making excuses as to why we aren’t in the word. Here are some that I hear the most:
- “I’m super busy”
- “I’m bad at setting habits”
- “Yeah, I should be better about that…”
- “I’m not a morning person”
- “I don’t know where to start”
- “I read Proverbs last year!”
Have you used any of those? Because I’m certain that I’ve used every single one. 😉
But do you know what I do every single morning? I check my email on my phone.
Whether or not I respond to emails first thing is a different story, but I always check it and I’d be willing to bet you do too. You see here’s the thing, we are consuming something. Whether it be Instagram, Podcasts, TV, or email. We want to pretend that we don’t have the time to dig into the Word, but the truth is that we spend that time other ways. This is okay, and there is grace for that. But let’s take this realization and let it change our mindset, let’s try to find things that work for us. If a Bible passage was delivered to your inbox every morning, would you read it?
I once heard a speaker say “if you are going to have a newsletter, the first step is to call it anything but a newsletter.” Let me tell ya what, Meg and I have been running our brains for WEEKS trying to think of something else to call it, but that’s what it is! So I’m owning it until I find a better word. ; )
We are going to start with the book of Ephesians, one of my very favorite books of the Bible. Monday-Friday emails will be sent out each morning for 20 days. Each will include the passage for that day, as well as some notes from me, and a prayer. The notes are take it or leave it, all I care about is that you read the Bible passage, but they are there if you want more to help you process a bit.
I hope that you will join us as we dig into the Word together. To receive the emails all you need to do is sign up below and confirm through the confirmation email you will receive! I can’t wait to begin November 6!
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