I am writing this post from a coffee shop, so it seemed only fitting to start with that. I forgot how much I love coffee shops!! When I started working from home I loved getting out of the house and coffee shop hopping. Now 4 years later, I pretty rarely work anywhere but from my desk. If I’m going to switch it up, it’s because my couch is looking extra cozy, or I’m traveling and out of my usual routine. I’ve also started making cold brew coffee at home which is revolutionary, I tell ya.
I got in a grove of working on my desktop computer rather than a laptop and it just became habit to stay at home. To be honest, I never really felt lonely until Meg started working for me. Not what you would think right? I hire someone and THEN feel lonely! I just like to confuse myself! ;). But truly, having a friendly face next to me one day a week reminded me how much I love the change of pace! I am an introvert who loves my own four walls, but I forget that there is still something so peaceful about other bodies and background noise working around and alongside me. This past week I had a lot to accomplish and very little motivation, so I thought I’d try a change of pace today. Let me tell you, I’ve gotten more big picture planning and organizing done in the 3 hours I’ve been here than I have in the last 3 months combined.
So next time I’m feeling easily distracted and need to do some deep work, someone please remind me that I live in a city with lots of good coffee!
I will admit… there is a man sitting just down from me who has been humming (pretty loudly) a different song than what is playing over the coffee shops speakers, and tapping rhythmically (again.. not to the song that’s playing) on his table… so we will see how much longer I last. 😉
Learning vs. Doing
A big reason I decided to tuck away for some focused work is because I needed to do some planning. I’ve been collecting ideas, thoughts, and goals in my head for a long time, and hadn’t gotten them onto paper in a while.
I am a big fan of business books, podcasts, webinars, etc. Learning and talking about business gets me fired up in a way that few other things do.
A few weeks back Shay Cochrane and Emily Thomas hosted a webinar on cultivating personal finance. I didn’t get the chance to watch it, but something that Shay said in her instagram story promoting it really stuck with me. She said “these tips are simple, they are nothing new, but the truth is if people actually did them everything could change”.
In that moment it occurred to me, am I doing the things I’m learning? Or am I in a constant pursuit of the business tip or system that will CHANGE EVERYTHING without actually trying them out? A “simple” strategy that is implemented and done well is far better than a seemingly “game-changing” strategy that never gets used. Ya feel me?
So today I’m stepping back to implement. To make a plan. To prioritize and dream and get it out of my head and actually on paper. But it made me think, how many areas of life do I do this in?
More specifically, it made me think about my relationship with the Lord. Do I read the Bible without giving it the ability to change my heart, life, and habits? Or do I take the time to step back and ask God what He wants to uproot, weed, plant, or grow in my life?
Just some coffee shop thoughts for ya.
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