Happy Monday! I hope you had a restful weekend with family or friends, or maybe just by yourself with a book! I shot a double this weekend, meaning a wedding on both Friday and Saturday! We used to do this all the time, but since our team has expanded it is more rare that I take two in one weekend. I was out of practice! Needless to say, Dan and I took things easy on Sunday and rested up! This week will be a fun one including a day trip to Chicago for work and a baby shower for a friend! I’m ready to dig in!

Monday’s always feel like a fresh start and time to get your life in order! Wedding season is my busiest time of year and it often means that good habits can get thrown to the wayside if I’m not careful. I am firm believer that those good habits are actually there to serve you in your busiest time of life, they are the glue that holds us together! That’s why I want to make an extra effort this week to regain control on some habits that I know serve me best in busy seasons! Here are 3 habits I’m determined to break!

1. Snoozing my alarm
This has got to stop!! I haven’t ever had a problem with this until recently! Not only does snoozing my alarm mean I’m not getting up when I need to (at the time I know is best for my body & routine) but snoozing your alarm is actually really bad for you physically! I’ve read very interesting things about how your alarm gets your heart rate going, then falling back asleep puts you back into a sleep cycle, but you won’t actually reach restful sleep by the time the alarm goes off again, spiking your heart rate. So basically – snoozing is a waste of time and energy, not actually getting you any more sleep! But my bed is just sooo cozzyy!! Welp. It ends today people. No more snoozing.

2. Looking at my phone before bed
This is essentially the nighttime version of snoozing. I lay in bed scrolling thinking I’m too tired to do anything else, but what it is actually doing is waking up my brain (from both looking at social media, and the light coming from the screen) and telling it it isn’t bedtime yet! I’m going to work on trading it for a book!

3. Listening to things 24/7
This might sound like an odd one, but I think it matters! I’ve recently noticed that I am playing something (music, podcasts, audiobooks, tv) in the background all the time. It’s habitual as soon as I start getting ready in the morning, hop in my car, start to do dishes, etc. I just press play and do my thing! While I love these forms of media and see great value in them, I also don’t believe we were made to consume things constantly. I think our minds, bodies, and souls need space to breathe, process, and think. While I’m certainly not giving up music, podcasts, audiobooks or TV anytime soon (if ever), I just want to be more conscious about how much of the time it is adding value to my life, or how often it’s just adding noise.

I will check back in in a few weeks and let you know how these are going but in the meantime, what habits are you looking to break? Send any tips my way!

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