Oh books how I love you! I’d say it’s time for a little reading update! At the start of the summer Dan and I decided we were going to try and limit our TV consumption and swap it for books! We are both book worms and TV junkies, we found ourselves a little too heavy in the TV camp! We were super good about it for a few weeks and I flew through some really great books, and then HIT A WALL. When wedding season got busy I started saying “can we just watch a show” at the end of almost every day and one episode inevitably turns to 3!
All that to say, rounding up these books has me inspired to get back at it! Dan and I always say that time moves so much slower when we read (versus watching tv) and we feel like we have entire evenings together rather than it flying by. Not to mention it is more relaxing and far better for your brain! Alright folks – I’m digging back in! Bye bye remote control, hello paperbacks! Join me?
I have been loving following along with Carly as she has set out to read 52 books this year! I love that she gives each book a star rating as she shares about them so I’m adding that to this post! Here is what I’ve read or listened to since January! If you click on the title of each book it will give you a brief synopsis!

I’ve been hearing about this book constantly for a few years, so I finally gave it a read! I have to admit, while I enjoyed it, I wasn’t as blown away by it as others! I did find it a really enjoyable read and was surprised by the ending for sure!

I love a good gut book, don’t you? Ha! But actually, I devour this kind of stuff (pun intended😉). This was a quick read and was helpful, but I wouldn’t say it was revolutionary. I enjoyed the first half of the book which explained a lot about inflammation and the gut microbiome, but the majority of the book covered her 4 week diet plan which I didn’t care as much about.

This book. This book will always hold a special place in my heart. I feel like God sent it from heaven for me. I was feeling really rushed one particular week and made an uncaritaristic decision to go for a bike ride around the lake we live near. When I got there I stumbled upon one of those little library boxes and this was in there. I decided to go sit on a bench for a few minutes to read (all the while thinking “what am I doing, I have so much work to get done.”) and opened the first page to read the chapter 1 title “City Builders & Bench Sitters”. The whole book is about slowing down, noticing the beauty in everyday life, and it was like balm for my soul. If you are someone who struggles with always feeling the need to be, accomplish, or have more (basically if you are an enneagram 3) read. this. book.

This book gets a big old “meh.” It was a quick weekend read and kept me entertained but it isn’t anything to write home about.

Now when it comes to books to write home about – THIS ONE. I didn’t want this book to end! I always love WWII novels and the story of this one was riveting! I fell in love with the characters and the writing!

If you own a business this is a must read! I’m not convinced that his exact system is perfect for every business, but I will say that his way of thinking is very paradigm shifting!

Everyone should read this. Well. . .listen to it. It isn’t exactly a beach read so I would highly recommend doing the audio version if you want to get through it a little quicker. That said, the information here is gold and is so eye opening about both the importance of rest, and how the view of it has changed throughout history! I think about things mentioned in this book constantly!

The Coddling of the American Mind 5/5
Another very thought provoking read! I again, would recommend the audio version. Here is what I will say about this book – eat the fish and spit out the bones. By saying it is a good read, I’m not saying I endorse all of their opinions, that said – it opens a fascinating discussion that is worth thinking about!
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