My favorite month of the year is here!!! I’ve skipped the last 2 months of favorites posts because I didn’t really have new things to mention, and sure enough this month I don’t have a ton either! I guess I’ve just been sticking to my basics lately. That said, I’m going to share a few things!
In November Dan and I went on a cruise to Mexico with friends! Neither of us have ever done something like this and it was AMAZING. I officially see why people take tropical vacations. We went with Royal Caribbean during a buy one get one 50% off sale. I’ve never been out of the country and my medical supplies can be quite tricky to travel with domestically so we thought this might be a good first venture out into something new. We could not recommend it enough! They were so accommodating, kind, and overall it was an amazing experience!
The Hallmark Channel
It is pretty much always on in the background this time of year. If you aren’t binging Christmas movies you’re doing it wrong.

Fabric Shaver
I did a whole blog post about this, but let me emphasize again how amazing it is! Shaving all of my sweaters is like my new hobby. For only $14 every home should have one!

Royal Holiday
I wanted something cheesy, light hearted, and possibly festive to read while on the cruise and this checked all 3 boxes! Charming and adorable!

Water Color Highlighters
They just make life happier.

H&M Sweater
I cannot get enough of this $12 sweater! I wear it like a basic t-shirt. It is simple and goes with everything but adds extra warmth!
Wearing it here, here and here
Starbucks Vintage Spotify Station
Did you know Starbucks has all of their playlists on Spotify?? I am a huge fan of big band 1940’s music and have several playlists I rotate through but currently I’m loving this one!

Trader Joes Low Acid French Roast Coffee
If you live near a Trader Joes and like a dark roast, this is for you!! It is especially good iced!
Now let’s take on December!
This is my favorite month of the year and I want to be intentional about it. I’m going to a coffee shop this afternoon to spend a little time thinking and journaling on how I want the month to look. I’m nervous that it is going to fly by!
Setting goals is something that makes a really big difference for me. I’ve taken a few months off of it and I want to dig into December with a plan and with intentionality so that I can savor the season all the more!
What things are you doing to prepare for the holidays? I would love some inspiration!
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