Hey friends! I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day and are enjoying what is officially the start to summer! After many weeks cooped up inside I’ve never been so grateful for sunshine and fresh air! I’ve already been kayaking more times than last summer altogether and I’m trying to get a little dose of Vitamin D every single day! May was a fun month! It felt like life was starting to return to normal. In Michigan you are now allowed to gather in groups of 10 indoor or up to 25 outdoor. Let me tell you, it feels SO GOOD.

1. Taking a break from projects
Since we got the keys to our house it has been non-stop projects! This month we took a step back to reset and just enjoy the space a bit and it was so refreshing! We did do a couple odds and ends (finished hanging cupboards, replaced doorknobs, and a bit of yard work) but for the most part we laid low. I can’t believe how quickly the space has felt like home, even if I am still rearranging drawers and organizing cupboards. We had a list of projects to pick back up on once June rolled around but honestly, we might just keep holding off! Summer only comes once a year and we have plenty of time to work on projects.
2. Re-establishing Habits
I’m gonna do a whole post about a few things I’ve learned recently (cause you know there is nothing I love talking about more than routines/habits/motivation) but this month I got back into the swing of things (primarily taking care of my body) and it felt so good!

3. Mini Espresso Maker ($30)
Okay, if you don’t own an espresso maker stop what you are doing right now and buy THIS THING! I have always wanted an at-home espresso maker but they are so dang pricey! Well turns out THESE exist! Who knew! It makes the perfect shot of espresso on your stove top. At home latte in an instant! I may never have to leave the house again. I got the 3 cup option which makes about 2 lattes.

4. Dear Evan Hansen
I am a total musical junkie and this month discovered Dear Evan Hansen (I’m sure I’m way behind the times on this one). I love it! It is perky, Ben Platt is amazing, and I love having it on in the background!

5. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban
This year I am re-reading (for what feels like the millionth time) the Harry Potter series and it just makes me so dang happy! Highly recommend getting the illustrated copies!
6. Cooking
I mentioned this in March as well but cooking has been such a source of joy for me lately. I think I’ve finally found a routine that works for Dan and I (post on this coming soon) and it makes me so happy!
7. Comfy Leggings
Let’s be real, who ISN’T living in leggings right now? These are my two favorite pairs that I reach for every single day! They are stretchy but hold their shape, buttery soft, and don’t hold ya in too much! (Ain’t nobody need compression in times like these). I also have the matching high neck sports bra for the Target pair and love it!

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