I am all about setting goals. Whether or not I attain them, I have a constant list of goals in my head. This is what motivates and drives me! If you didn’t know, I have been doing calligraphy for a little over a year now. Two classes under my belt and lots long hours of practicing! I love it and would like to incorporate this into more of my life but I am a perfectionist and am always unhappy with my own writing. This is an extremely tedious and time consuming hobby if you ask me! It is something that if you skip practicing for one day, you are a step behind the next day. Somewhere between the summer and now this hobby has seriously fallen though the cracks, yet I think very regularly about it and how I wish I was better. My solution: set a goal! Not only did I set the goal of blogging every day in December, I am also going to try and practice Calligraphy or some type of hand lettering every day in December. I may have put way too much on my plate but hey! These are all things I love doing!
I can’t wait to see how my work (hopefully) improves over the next month! Have something you wish you were better at? Join me in my challenge to do it every day for a month! We’ll see how it goes!
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