Hello Friends! How ya been? I’ve been spending a lot more time on Instagram than the blog as of late so while I don’t feel like it’s been that long since I’ve posted here, apparently it has! This summer has been full of high highs and low lows! I started off the summer with a visit to my cousin in Kansas City, KS, followed by a whole family vacation to Outer Banks, NC. We spent lots and lots of hours in the backyard and garden, on walks and at the library. This has easily been my favorite summer ever because seeing it all through the eyes of a toddler just makes everything more magical!
In July we had a little plot twist. I had another GI bleed, had a procedure to repair it and had some (specific to me) complications which resulted in another ICU stay…and some more time on a ventilator. This time however it was only for 48 hours. The first 24 hours I was sedated and then I actually was conscious (yes…still on the vent…I didn’t even know this was possible) for the next 24-ish hours. While this sounds like a terrifying experience (and don’t get me wrong, it was) it was such a testament to the power of the presence of the Lord because I had total peace while awake and was able to remain calm and allow the vent to do its job. Absolutely not something I could do out of my own strength. I was in the hospital for a couple weeks but I was extubated far sooner than we expected and was home only a few days later. Yet another one of those miracles that the Lord just keeps performing in my life.
It’s been a few weeks since then and I am finally starting to feel like myself again. Because I wasn’t sedated very long I didn’t have muscle atrophy, but I am very weak muscularly and have very low lung stamina. All things that will get better with time and already have. This summer I took a little step back from my normally very busy wedding schedule and am so thankful I did, the Lord truly prepared the way on that one.
While I’m home recovering and getting my strength back, here are some things making me really really happy lately.

// the AMAZING people in our life //
We have had an incredible amount of support and help the last few weeks, with Virginia, with meals, with groceries, with cleaning…all of it. We seriously have the best village.

// our garden //
Even if I am not the one doing the heavy lifting right now, no where makes me happier than my backyard, and nothing makes me happier than a vase of fresh cut flowers on my kitchen table.

// our chickens //
I am not an animal person so I’m not really sure how this happened but they are so dang entertaining, I love the fresh eggs, and watching Ginny with them is hilarious.

// Ginny snuggles //
She was extra clingy when I got home from the hospital…or maybe I was the one who was extra clingy…either way, I’ll take it! 😉

// good books //
I happen to be on an amazing stretch of good books (I’ll be sure to post a roundup soon!) which is really great timing because I’ve had a lot of time to pass! I mean…I did also beat 79 levels of Candy Crush in 3 days so…

// Dan //
I have a really great husband.
Wishing you all a wonderful mid-August Saturday. While I know lots of people are prepping for back-to-school and ready for the fall season, I’ll be clinging to the remainder of summer for dear life.
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