The title of this may sound slightly narcissistic and self indulgent but let me explain! I have followed bloggers and Youtubers who for years have shared “Day In the Life” posts and I’ve always loved them! There is something about hearing how a person spends their average day that feels simple, friendly and personal! Recently Chris Loves Julia did a post like this and it made me think that this also might be fun to look back on as seasons of life change. I’ve been blogging since 2014 and thought it might be fun to have a little snapshot into my daily life saved almost more like a journal entry. There is also a little more detail in this post about how my health plays into my daily routine which is something I’ve been asked about. It feels totally normal to me but actually is definitely not normal haha. My days aren’t usually anything too exciting, but maybe thats the fun in it! Reading this back I’m also realizing how much of my day I spend sitting….should probably work on that haha!
I drafted this post back in April and just realized I never posted it! Summer looks a little different but I thought I would share it anyway!
3:00am | Let’s just hop right into the slightly gross (but real) stuff! I don’t absorb anything I take in orally and my stomach collects extra water from the rest of my body. Because of this I have a lot of nausea and vomiting (this is also where the stomach distension and swelling comes from). To help with this, when I was 2 years old they put a G-Tube in my stomach which allows me to drain excess fluid off of my stomach instead of throwing up. I do still throw up (currently about once a day or every other day which is MUCH less than previous seasons of life), I use my G-Tube to relieve as much of the pressure and nausea as I can. I usually do this a couple times a day, and often and least once during the night, so that is where I’m starting my day! Usually around 3/4am I will get up a drain for 20 mins or so. I have learned that it is best for me to just move straight to the couch and watch a show (usually a cooking or home show). It keeps me just awake enough but also distracts my mind so I don’t wake up fully. Then it’s back to bed for a couple more hours.
6:00am | Lots of pictures throughout the day are from this spot! Ha! I usually wake up for the day around 6/6:30am and go back to the couch to drain again. This is a longer drain, usually closer to an hour, and I take advantage of it as my time to read my Bible and pray.
7:00am | During the night I get a big bag of nutrition called TPN. This has all my fat, calories, vitamins, sugar, etc for the day and it runs straight into my blood stream through a feeding tube (called a Broviac Line) for 10 hours during the night. Once this is finished (you can see the bag on the right is empty) I swap it over for a bag of saline. The saline is just pure water for extra hydration and takes about an hour to run in.
Once I’m unhooked from TPN or hooked up to saline I usually put away dishes, do any extra tidying around the house, make coffee & throw in a load of laundry.
Currently loving Hermans Boy Pantland Blend, and forever hooked on Coffee Mate Italian Sweet Cream.
7:30am | Once coffee is in hand I usually head to my office and work for a couple hours in my jammies. I usually try to start with emails and get them knocked out, then move onto some type of creative or focused work (like blogging or finaces) to wake up my brain.
8:45am | Once I’m a little more awake I’ll get dressed for the day (if I’m not working out first). Even if I’m staying home I swear it makes me more productive. I have a whole post on that here!
9:00am | This was a Thursday which meant BSF. I’ve been attending the same Bible study (though this year was virtual) for about 8 years and I’ve mentioned this before, but it has truly changed my life. Bible Study Fellowship is international with local groups and it is a deep dive study into God’s word. I can’t recommend it enough!
10:00am | Back to the office to finish up my work for the rest of the afternoon. Most afternoons are filled with editing, admin work and client calls. My mom is in the office working with me most days and on fun days Meg might join us and, of course, Wilder! It’s also pretty common for me to end up at one of my sisters houses in the afternoon. This is one of my favorite parts of having a flexible work schedule!
3:00pm | Around 3 or 4 I usually need to take another break to drain and my goal is usually to have my work for the day done by then. Because draining takes both hands, this is usually a TV break.
3:30pm | Fold and put away the load of laundry from earlier and finish any house chores. I love following the Clean Mama Routine
4:30pm | I’ll never stop raving about Reformer Pilates. It has been one of the most game changing decisions for my health over the last 4 years. I try to make it to 3-4 classes per week and just pick times that work depending on the day.
5:30pm | Came home and quick threw on a sweater and fancy earrings for a Zoom call with a bride to plan her timeline. I was most definitely still wearing workout pants.
6:30pm | Usually as soon as Dan gets home from work I turn off the computer, take a quick shower, and go straight to pajamas. Straight to pajamas.
7:00pm | I am a huge fan of crockpot meals, especially on evenings that I have meetings. This is one we make almost weekly and we love it! We are usually both pretty tired and eat dinner in front of the tv. Then for the rest of the evening we will chat, hang out, work on home projects, see family, or to be honest – watch more tv. Ha!
8:30pm | When I start getting tired I know it’s time to get up and wash my face and get TPN prepped for the night, even if I’m not going to go to sleep for another hour or so. This post has my skincare routine. Trust me you need this headband to keep your baby hairs back, and these sweatbands (under $2) to stop the water from dripping down your arm. I aim to be asleep by 10 or 10:30.
Well, was this post just riveting or what? 😉 Kidding, of course, but this was fun to write! This was a rare day where we didn’t see any family members but they are a huge part of our daily life. As are home projects in this season! Honestly, it’s just the little day to day things that make me the happiest. Cheers to very normal days! ◡̈
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