Introduce yourself! Who are you and what do you do?
Hey friends! I’m Caroline Logan, and I specialize in capturing love stories. I’m based out of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, but the South sure has my heart and my secret dream is to one day call Charleston home. 🙂 Who’s with me?!
What are some of your favorite brunch foods?
Oooh well Chobani yogurt + granola + fresh fruit is my morning go-to, but if we’re talking guilty pleasures I sure love grilled sticky buns! They’re a Christmas morning tradition and I look forward to them all year long!
Any recipes you want to share?
I’m definitely no Rachel Ray in the kitchen, but I was so excited when I discovered this healthy cookie recipe floating around the internet! They’re so simple to make, yet totally delicious! AND guilt free. 😉
Healthy Banana Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies:
2 Bananas
1 Cup Oats
1/2 Cup Chocolate Chips
1 Heaping TBS Natural Peanut Butter
Bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes, let cool, then enjoy!
What does an average day look like for you?
Oh my! My days are definitely varied week to week, but I do try to maintain somewhat of a routine. 🙂 I haven’t always been the best at this, but two years ago while attending a conference, one of the speakers, Lara Casey, challenged us to write out our own uniquely tailored “Ideal Day,” broken down into detail. This has definitely caused a huge shift in what my average day looks like, resulting in an improvement in that work-life balance it seems we’re all constantly striving to polish!
Little tips like tucking my phone away when I’m working, setting timers for each aspect of my daily tasks (like tackling my email inbox each morning), and making the decision to actually stick to certain office hours rather than letting the amount of my workload gauge how late I work into the evening have been huge for me!
Of course, it’s always a work in progress, but my heart above all is to be as efficient, focused, and diligent in my work as possible so I can spend more of my time away from the computer doing what matters most!
What is your favorite thing about of your job?
It’s ironic that my favorite thing about being a wedding photographer has little to do with photography itself! While I do love the art of photography, the greatest reward that has come from running my business have been the relationships I’ve formed through it. Whether with my clients or fellow photographer friends, the relationships that go so much deeper than wedding timeline planning or photography technicalities have proven to be the greatest blessing of all.
I want my business to be based on love and service – truly taking time to listen to my clients’ stories, investing in them, and showing I care about so much more than merely just their wedding day has brought so much reward and purpose to my business!
Any tips for starting a business at a young age?
Ohhh yes! Having photographed my first solo wedding at age fourteen, I can definitely relate to those who are younger and have these big dreams and aspirations that are incredibly exciting, yet terribly daunting at the same time! I think it’s important to recognize it is only natural to feel fear and hesitation when you’re dreaming big (“If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.” Ellen Johnson Sirleaf), but then intentionally choose to find a way to push past that fear and not let it paralyze you from taking action!
One thing I really had to fight against early on was my natural desire to compare my work, brand, and business to others. Letting your insecurities win will truly keep you from flourishing as an artist! It’s so draining! I really had to be intentional in remembering that each of my clients booked ME for a reason. They knew my experience level, yet they still trusted in my capabilities. If I wanted people to believe in me and view me as a true professional, I first had to believe in myself, right?! Confidence breeds confidence. 🙂
One thing I’m really thankful my mentors always reminded me early on? Remember to just be young! Since I started my business at age fourteen, it was a tough balance because I was so passionate about photography and growing my business, but I ALSO knew I didn’t want to look back and wish I’d appreciated those years without tons of huge responsibilities more! Working hard to build a business is thrilling and exciting, but remember to give yourself grace and never get so caught up in dreaming big for the future that you forget to appreciate where you are. 🙂
What 3 things do you always have with you?
Call me a girly girl, but I never leave the house without some mint gum, my favorite lip balm, and my Anthropologie perfume roller! The perfume roller was a recent gift from a friend and comes in especially handy when you want to quickly freshen up throughout a long day of shooting a wedding!
Any guilty pleasures?
Nerdy Confession: Ted Talks are my editing jam of choice and sometimes I take notes on the things that really really hit me. 😉
And on a totally different note… Talenti Sea Salt Caramel Gelato Ice Cream. You’re welcome.
If you could have brunch with anybody who would it be?
One of my favorite books is How to Win Friends and Influence People, so I would have loved to have brunch with Dale Carnegie if he were still living to dig even deeper into his thoughts and experiences shared in the book. I recommend it to anyone — business owner or not. Definitely add it to your reading list if you haven’t gotten your hands on it yet!
I can’t say thank you enough for Caroline for having brunch with us, and being a huge encouragement to me! Be sure to check her out!
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All photos courtesy of Anna K
Such a treat to have “brunch” with you! 😉 Thank you again for the privilege! Xoxo!