Last year the holidays were super busy with wedding things (which was so fun!!) but this year I’m looking forward to a little bit slower of a season with friends and family! Maybe it’s because I’ve been watching a lot of Hallmark Christmas movies while recovering from surgery, or maybe it’s because I have my own home to decorate for the first time, but I am SO EXCITED to decorate for Christmas!
We didn’t move in until the New Year last year so while I put out a few things for my own personal enjoyment, I’ve been looking forward to this since last year! I’ve been day dreaming about our Christmas tree and that’s what todays post is all about! Dan grew up with a fake tree and my family always had a real tree. Going to pick out our tree and then decorating it to the Amy Grant Christmas album has always been one of my favorite traditions. Dan and I talked about it within the first month we were dating and I promised him I would never go for a fake tree.
Well PLOT TWIST. Who knows what happens once you are married because Dan actually talked me into a fake tree. I’m not sure what I’ve done! Ironically enough this year his parents are doing a real tree and my parents are doing a fake tree. What the what? Everyone is backwards and flipped around. My mom found the most realistic fake tree I’ve ever seen at Michaels and while i was initially very against it, looking at it in her house every day slowly warmed me up to it. To add to that we live in an apartment (aka we aren’t exactly sure how to dispose of a real tree once it dies) and we don’t own a vacuum (pine needle issue waiting to happen). Dan convinced me to give a fake tree a try this year, but promised we can switch to a real tree at some point. I’m quite frankly shocked that I let this happen. This is the tree my mom, sister and I all landed on (for 50% off!). It actually does look so good in person!
Next up, I’ve got to decide how we want to decorate it! Here is a little tree inspiration!

Part of the exciting/intimidating part of this being our first year in a home is buying decorations! I want to make fun, but also intentional decisions knowing we will have this decor for the next few years (at minimum!). I adore both neutral gold & white decor, but also love all out Christmas – red and green! When it comes down to it, I’ll probably go the Christmas colors route because it is Christmas after all! Why not make it as festive as possible?! Here are a few trees I’m loving, as well as some ornaments, tree toppers, and skirts I’ve been eyeing!
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