While everyone obsesses over the sales on black friday, I am day dreaming of day after Christmas sales! The day after Christmas puts all other sales to shame. While I am out shopping I thought I would show you guys a quick and deceivingly easy hair tutorial! I love this look because I can do it as I am running out the door and it looks like it took waaaay more effort! Start with a section near the part of your hair and split it into two. Take a tiny piece from one of the sections, cross it UNDER and place it in the opposite section. Repeat this on the other side. After you have done this once, collect a tiny piece form your head and grab that along with the tiny piece from the section each time you cross under. This with gather more hair into the braid making it thicker. This is exactly the same as a regular french fishtail, you just will be crossing under instead of over. Do this until you have gathered the majority of the front of your hair into the braid, then stop gathering hair from your head when you cross under. Secure the end of the fishtail with a clear elastic and start pulling sections apart, making the braid appear thicker. Pull the braid around back of you head and secure with a barrette or bobby pin. Ta da! So simple and quick! Another variation would be to pull all of your hair up into a pony tail or messy bun when you are done! Hope you enjoy!
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