1. Get back on a normal sleep schedule:
Weddings, movie nights, and being outside till it’s black has been awesome! But with that comes sleeping in, being groggy in the morning, and starting my day late! I am always my most productive in the morning! It’s my “power-time” and I am almost useless past 10pm! We actually have a rule in our house called “no questions past 10 o’clock” which my mom has enforced since I was very little! It seems I may be taking after her in this area! To me it makes sense to start my day early, utilizing the time of day where my brain is at its strongest, and rest well at night!
2. Put my phone on the other side of the room:
Boy oh boy does my focus level change if my phone is not within reaching distance! It’s actually a little alarming! Rather than keeping my phone on my desk I like to put it on the table across the room and it boosts my productivity like crazy! I’m less distracted, and even if I’m not “on my phone” for some reason having it near me makes me a little more overwhelmed! Weird, but true! It’s the same outside of work. If I am having a conversation with someone but my phone is close to me it’s like I can’t fully engage in the conversation! Out of sight out of mind right? With this also comes plugging my phone in on the other side of the room at night, rather than on my nightstand. I’ve spent way too many nights up late on Instagram/Netflix recently.
3. Stop sleeping in my makeup:
Ew. I know. I know. It…it just happens sometimes…See #1 about weddings, movie nights, and being outside late!
4. Make an effort to stay creatively inspired:
I’m gonna sound like a hippie for a minute, just hang tight. Creativity is such a huge part of my job, but it’s also a huge part of my life. I have been crafting up a storm since I was very little! I am so so grateful to have a job that allows me to be creative and that’s why I want to make sure I’m taking even more care to stay inspired. I used to think the word “inspired” was corny and cliche, but I’ve actually come to realize it’s importance! When I’m inspired I’m more passionate about my work, more passionate about my life, harder working, more peaceful, and create better work! Whether it’s taking time to paint, read, blog, try something new I want to really push myself in this area!
What I love about setting goals is that it is a way to keep myself accountable and take tiny action steps that result in big changes! However, for me goal setting is not a way to tell myself I’ve not worked hard enough or assume that I’ve failed because I haven’t fulfilled this things in the weeks prior. I like to list things goals like this at the beginning of each month in my journal as a little motivation to take things one step further! I really do believe that small changes create huge results! And with that, I will end with one of my all time favorite quotes (which you will probably hear time and time again the more you read my blog).
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit” – Aristotle
Now you tell me! What goals would you like to set for the fall? I’d love to hear your ideas!
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