I frequently get asked what products I use on my hair and today seemed like a good day to answer! I have tried a ton of different products, but I started a whole new routine last spring. Six months in I can officially say, I love it!! I was blonde for a very very long time so my hair was quite damaged and dry. Hailey (my sister and hair stylist) said at my last two appointments that she has seen a big difference! I notice a huge difference in the softness, thickness, and overall look of my hair!
Because my hair was damaged most of these products revolve around moisturizing, but because I like me some big hair, I’m picky about them not weighing my hair down! All of these are tried and true! Not to mention they all smell soooo good. These are the products I use for washing and drying my hair. I don’t use many products for styling, mostly just this.
Macadamia Natural Oil Shampoo & Deep Repair Masque
I picked up this shampoo and conditioner at TJ Maxx (they often have it at a discounted price) and I love it! I love the shampoo but the conditioner is the star of the show. My hair gets super tangled and takes a while to comb through after each wash. The first time I used it I could tell a difference! The conditioner is a mask, not just a regular conditioner, so it’s pretty heavy duty, but I like it! I wash my hair first thing and put this on so that it can sit on my hair for the rest of my shower, then I rinse it out right before I get out. Other hair masks I’ve tried have left my hair looking and feeling greasy, but I haven’t found that to be the case at all with this one!
Hailey encouraged me to buy this from her salon, and I’m so glad I tried it!! I think this has made the biggest difference in my hair! It is a protein spray so it actually repairs your hair. Again, it isn’t heavy, but it works so well! I have noticed a huge difference in the softness of my hair with this one!
I actually want to eat this every time I smell it. I WISH I was kidding! It smells so delicious you should buy it just for that reason. But anyway! I love hair oils and have used several different ones. Hailey tells me that Bassue oil actually soaks into your hair moisturizing it, rather than just coating it and I can tell the difference! I love this stuff!
If you have snarly hair stop what you are doing and buy this brush! I got one in high school and have stuck with this brush ever since. It works like magic for hair that is tough to comb out! I don’t know how it works, but I love it!
I know that these products are in a higher price range, but they are worth the cost! Having used drugstore products for most of my life, I really can tell the difference. I have had all of these for six months and am a far way from running out. The shampoo and conditioner are about halfway empty (but I got the big ones) and the Surface products probably have a few weeks left. For reference, I do use them very liberally, so you could probably make them last longer!
Three cheers for softer, smoother, healthier hair! Hip! Hip! Hooray!
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