Hello Friends! I sure have missed you! Sorry that I left ya hanging for the last little while (I’m going to pretend for 5 seconds that someone feels as though I’ve left them hanging by not blogging though I’m sure you are enjoying life as usual)!
This past week I was in Seattle! I intended to have enough posts scheduled out by the time I left to keep you company while I was gone, but sometimes the struggle is real! Let me tell you, the struggle. is. real. We finished a busy summer and entered right into a busy fall! Finishing editing weddings, engagement session season, booking for next season, and traveling has got me ready for a long winters nap! Lucky for me my favorite time of year is just around the corner! Yes, I almost bought all the Christmas decorations at Target today. #judgeelsewhere #elfing
Anyway! Since I’ve been home it has been a mad dash of laundry, editing, emails, and binge watching all of season 1 of The Flash. Priorities people! Oh, also in there I threw together a Halloween costume 3 hours before trick-or-treating! My family spent Halloween in Oz.
Before I go, I just want to say thanks for reading. You all are my very favorite people! Not just because you read the blog that I write for myself, but for encouraging, motivating, and being friends with me. I sometimes get a little overwhelmed with gratitude for this big ol’ blogging world and my little blogging family. So thanks for being the greatest!
P.S. Barry Allen, you da real MVP!
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