I have no words for this post. This weekend will forever go down as one of the best of my life! I truly have the best sisters ever. In case you think I’m kidding – keep reading. I haven’t stopped grinning ear to ear while writing this post and I may have teared up a couple times! Just looking through the pictures and videos has me GIDDY!!
I knew my bachelorette part was going to be on Friday the 7th in the evening. It was close enough to the wedding day that I was in hustle mode. I was off work, cranking out wedding to-do’s, and beginning to move things into our apartment. The girls told me we would be starting at my apartment which kept me just distracted enough with prepping our completely empty space for people to spend the night in – to not notice anything suspicious they were doing!
I got home late Thursday night and crawled in bed only to be woken up at 5am the next morning with the best surprise ever. Here is the video!
I knew Hailey was sleeping over that night, I woke up to her crawling on my bed saying “I had the weirdest dream and I need to tell you about it.” While most people would have immediately found this suspicious – this is a surprisingly common occurrence in our household, so nothing really alarmed me. She followed it with “I dreamed that we were going to Disney World for your bachelorette party.” I don’t think I was awake enough to process what she actually said – until I heard Allie’s voice in the corner of my room say “Oh my gosh, I had the same dream,” and then Audrey followed with, “Shut up! I dreamed that too!” Then. . . Backstreet Boys “When You Wish Upon a Star,” I’ve literally never been so surprised in my life!!

My mom turned on the lights and I saw that they were all wearing matching “Bride Squad” Disney T-Shirts, ears, and were handing me an outfit to go right along with it. To say I freaked out would be an understatement! My mom had already packed a suitcase for me (and she had even convinced me to wash my hair the night before – mom WIN), so I brushed my teeth, threw on the clothes, and got in the car to go to the airport – STILL IN SHOCK.

The whole way to Orlando I was freaking out – I love surprises. . . but this was unreal!!!

We dropped our bags at the hotel and were greeted with champaign and perfect 80 degree weather! Did I mention it was like 20 degrees when we left Michigan?
We headed straight to the Magic Kingdom for the Holly Jolly Christmas Party. My sisters + Disney + Christmas. I’m literally tearing up just thinking about it!!

Right as we were walking in they started singing and dancing on the main stage of the castle and I got emotional! As if Disney is not the most magical place on earth already – when I was 13 and recovering from the coma, the Make a Wish Foundation sent my family and I on a trip to Disney. Rather than walking down main street, I attended the Holly Jolly Christmas Party in a wheel chair. At the time we were celebrating how much we had overcome as a family, and now every time I return I feel that same rush of emotions. Disney is a mile marker for me. Each trip I’ve been in a different season, and each time I have had improved health (more than my family and I could ever have prayed for) to celebrate. Standing in main street I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed at the thought of how healthy my body is, how close my sisters and I are, the knowledge that I was getting married when I got home, that I would be moving out, and that I had a partner in life who (though he may not have walked through the worst of my health) would walk along side me to celebrate in this new season of healing. I was with my sisters who just know, I feel more relaxed around them than anyone. They just know.
So bring the cheesiness, the music, the magic, and the sweet time with my sisters in celebration!

We stayed at the park as late as we could, then were surprised in the morning by balloons and mimosas from the hotel!

Then it was off for day 2! We started at Animal Kingdom, dominating Expedition Everest 4 times! We all have a deep love for roller coasters.

Half way through the Lion King we were handed shakers and were pulled up into the show – I felt like I was in an episode of Full House!
It was Hailey’s worst nightmare!

Then we headed to Hollywood studio to conquer Rocking Rollercoaster several times, and then face Hailey’s second greatest fear: Tower of Terror.
We ended the night at Hollywood studios, and I was even given a free drink by a delightful Starbucks worker! Disney is truly the most magical!

We stayed out as late as we could, then went back to get a few hours of sleep before our flight home. I’m not even sure how to wrap up this post because I’m just so happy looking through the pictures. Basically sisters are the best. The end.
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