When I graduated highschool I jumped straight into entrepreneurship and I wouldn’t have had it any other way! There is nothing I love more than working from home. It is such a blessing for both my personality and my health! However, one of the biggest struggles I encountered when starting to work from home was managing my to-do list and creating a rhythm that worked for me!
I struggled between the balance of never getting enough done (hellloooo distractions!!) and overworking (spending late night hours on things that definitely could have waited!). With no one there to tell you what needs to be done and when it should be done, it can be easy to get off track.
I have been using this system (inspired by Anna With Love) for over a year now and it has been a game changer! I have mentioned it on Instagram a few times and get frequent questions about it! So I thought it was about time for a blog post!
Rather than sitting down daily and making a mile long list, first thing every Monday morning (or sometimes Friday at the end of my workday) I make one list for the week. I make this list to focus on each category of my life: Katie Grace Photography, Bungalows & Olives, and Personal. This has allowed me to keep all aspects of life in perspective and make sure my work is balanced between all areas. While making the weekly list I check in with my Powersheets, calendar, and emails to make sure that everything I need to do that week is written down under its category. Then I pick a few non-urgent (but important!) goal related or fun items to add to the list to keep it moving and exciting! The key is to keep the list realistic! If my list is getting too long I write things that can happen the next week on a sticky note and touch base with it the following Monday!
I use a free Emily Ley download to divide up my thoughts (using colorful pens to make it fun?), then I keep this in the pocket on the inside of my planner. Each day I pick a few things from the weekly list to add to my daily planner/to-do list. I mentally divide up the number of items on the weekly list by days so I roughly know how many items need to be checked off.
What I love about this system is it keeps me advancing towards my goals and “big picture”, while still keeping everyday tasks managable. It gives me freedom to customize my daily to-do list based on my schedule, while knowing that for the week as a whole I am moving forward! It also gives me the boundary of knowing that when the list is completed, it’s time to rest.
Below is an example of what this looks like; however, while I’d love my personal to do list to consist of things like “going to Disney!” it often doesn’t. ?
My list is usually muh longer than this as well, but either way, you get the idea!
I hope this is helpful in finding a workflow that works for you!
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