Dan knows that I’ve always wanted a pet bunny and teases me about it often. On Christmas Eve he said he had a gift for me that was a surprise and I needed to close my eyes. When I opened there was a basket perfectly under the tree. He gave me the sweetest note and then I opened the basket to find A BUNNY. A little fuzzy guy with a red bandana around his neck. I freaked out and was so excited! I noticed my mom taking pictures and genuinely thought it was because I was getting a bunny! The thought that something else was happening never even crossed my mind!! After letting me play with the bunny, for a solid couple minutes, Dan mentioned that there was something else. He spun the bandana around and I laid my eyes on the most beautiful engagement ring. Then I really lost it! I was sobbing so hard and he just held me for a while (while the bunny ran off! Haha!) until I calmed down. We talked for a minute and then he asked me to stand up. It was the most perfect moment. To look into his eyes and know that I get to spend the rest of my life with him. It is such a gift!!
From there we hugged my parents, talked to my sisters, FaceTimed a friend (who little did I know was on her way to my house…) and left to go visit Dan’s parents! Dan suggested that we stop somewhere for coffee so that we could have a little bit of time alone to take in the moment! I’m SO glad he did! We ended up going to Denny’s (the only thing open on Christmas Eve) and it was such a sweet and special time! After he said we needed to run back to my house before going to his parents and when we got there I was surprised by both of our families and my bestie! It truly was the best day ever!!!!
Okay, now I’ll let the pictures do the talking! Thank you to my wonderful mama and Dan’s sister Jen for the pictures!!!
excited about the bunny…and then he pointed out the ring!!!
The Lord is so good. I can’t believe I get to marry such an amazing man. He is a better man than I could have ever asked for.
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