My Oil Roller
I’m surprised I haven’t talked about this on my blog before but I am religious with essential oils. Young Living only. Every. Single. Day. I know there are so many bloggers talking about Essential Oils so I don’t ever mention it and I’ll keep this short, but I have used them for little over 3 years, and I will never go back! They are game changing!! I use a blend of Oregano, Thieves, and Purification (with a little bit of a carrier oil, usually grape-seed oil because it doesn’t have a smell, and I think the oils have enough of their own stank going on!) in a roller on my spine every single night before bed (why before bed? See previously mentioned “stank” factor). This has SAVED me from so many colds, flus, and sicknesses that have gone through my family! I’ve had some seriously close calls, but this combo of oils always saves the day! If I think I might be getting sick I will put it on every 2 hours or so throughout the day and it almost always stops the symptoms before it turns into something!
With the crazy flu going around (we have had several school districts in my area closed because of it) I am glued to my oils! So far so good! . . .Now watch me come down with the flu today. Ha!
Cafe Miels
Somehow I got hooked on these snazzy little coffee drinks and I am loving it!! I start craving one around 3pm! If you are in GR, MadCap’s is the best! Trust me, I’ve done my research. 😉
Calm My Anxious Heart
I love those books you just keep re-reading and coming back to. This is one of those books for me! If the title stands out to you, you should just go ahead and read it! Such beautiful wisdom and draws you into the arms of our Father!
The Olympics
Ya know how around halloween they play horror movie commercials on tv 24/7? Well during the Olympics every commercial is moving and inspirational and motivating and I LOVE IT. I’m convinced it should be this way all the time. I’m also convinced Dan and I would make a great figure skating pair, despite the fact that neither of us have ever successfully ice skated. . .Dan has never even had a pair of ice skates on. So I mean we’ll see.
I believe in miracles.
This routine is the most breathtaking thing ever! I keep watching it over and over! I love America, but I’m sorry you can’t beat this performance for Germany! I also made this exact face while watching them.
My Jean Jacket
If you follow me on Instagram you are probably thinking “shut up about the jean jacket already” 😂 but I can’t! I love this guy!
I have owned the same jean jacket since 8th grade. Good news folks: the Levi’s kids line holds up! I’m proof! While that jean jacket has treated me well, it was time for an upgrade! I’ve been looking for a replacement for about a year and couldn’t find the right one until this month! I picked this one up at Gap and have worn it so much already! Jean jackets are so versatile which is why I dedicated a very long Instagram story to it! If you go to my profile and click the little blue circle with the hanger on it you will find the story saved there!
My new workout playlist
I don’t know about you but I need a good playlist to keep me motivated while working out! My new playlist still needs some work, but so far it’s got me jammin! Here is a link to it on Spotify! Which songs should I add? Comment and tell me!
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