It’s been 4 months since we moved into our house and I love it more than I could have imagined. With *most* of the major projects behind us we are slowly beginning to add decor and final touches to rooms.
I’m learning how much of home decor comes in layers. A room can feel so empty and bland compared to what you see on Pinterest and then you realize it’s because you don’t even own curtains, let alone numerous rugs, curated artwork, candles and stacks of books. It’s a slow and steady project rather than a race and as someone who thrives on a checklist it’s been a good learning opportunity that good things take time. I’ve surprisingly loved trying to focus on one corner at a time, determining our budget each month, and giving myself the permission to build a house slowly. It’s been freeing in a way I don’t often experience.
I’ve been trying to analyze and learn from designs I love, whether it be a picture, a home, a movie set, or a restaurant. I’m trying to take notes on elements I like rather than just copying. I’m picking my mom’s brain on the daily and she is teaching me her tricks and rules of thumb.
This month we took some big steps forward. Light fixtures, curtains over our wall of sliders, and hanging a few frames. We put shelves in the bathroom (meaning I can finally unpack towels from the cart living in my office!) and now the bathroom and kitchen feel pretty finished. Our home has taken on an extra layer of character and “homi-ness”. It feels cozy and comfortable to live in.

This room will eventually be our TV/family room but for now we call it “the work room” and it is HIGHLY convenient to have a space to stash everything while working on projects!
Looking great!😊 You guys have done an amazing job.