Sometimes on Wednesdays we chat about random things that have been on my mind, and that is what we are gonna do today! Let’s hop to it!
Are you enjoying fall so far? I know I am! We have had some weirdly warm days here in the mitten, but now are hanging out in the 60’s and 70’s, and it is perfect!! All I want to do is be outside! The colors are starting to change and the trees are showing off their golden side! I love the exciting twist of each new season in my hometown! I’m all for the chilly air and wearing cozy sweaters (remember, I’m a winter girl so all you summer people probably think I’m crazy!). I went to 3 different fall parties this weekend (we will talk about them more in a minute), it was glorious! Donuts, pies, cider! The best! Friday and Saturday night I fell asleep and woke up to the sound of rain, which is my favorite!
Bringing people together
This week I’ve been thinking a lot about the gift of bringing people together. I have two special ladies in my life who are incredibly good at this, and I truly consider it a gift! Last week Gabby got engaged (!!!!!) and I was standing at her engagement party looking at all the people around me. Outside of family, almost every person I talked to at the party was from a different stage or category of Gabby’s life, and I felt so comfortable there. Gabby has an ability to connect people from different stages of her life and bring them together in a way that is beautiful. I spent time chatting with her work friends, high school friends, and family friends. I had previously met almost all of them because Gabby had taken the steps on multiple occasions to host a variety of people in a way that brought us together.
Then, Friday night Meg invited me over for a little fall party, and I thought the exact same thing!! She invited friends from different stages of high school and from work. Everyone of us knew a couple people already and met a couple new people, yet all of us clicked so perfectly! I had a ball talking with all the lovely ladies and hearing more about their stories. There wasn’t a single second that I felt like I was in a room of strangers. Meg has such a good eye for inviting people that she knows will fit together and get along well. As well, she made an effort to start and engage in conversations that felt comfortable and natural for everyone at the table!
So anyway, it got me thinking about the gift of bringing people together! I felt so blessed through these two occasions and they really “filled my cup.” I think it is easy and natural for us to all “compartmentalize” our relationships, but I want to make more of an effort to combine forces and bring people I love from all different parts of my life together!
Trying to read one book at a time
I have always always always read multiple books at once. I even wrote a post about it! But lately I am moving through books at a snail’s pace, so I am trying something new and sticking to one at a time. Guys. I’m TERRIBLE at it. I continually pick up other books, only to put them back down, and grab the one I am trying to stick to go read! I am loving this book, but for some reason I keep trying to multitask with my reading! I am moving through the book much quicker than I had been, so I think it is helping, but breaking the habit is hard stuff!
Well, that’s all for today folks! Wishing you a happy Wednesday!
Interesting post. Well put!
I particularly like the bit about “bringing people together”. I totally agree that bringing people together is a gift. Not everyone is able or comfortable breaking the “compartments of friendship” to make it one little community of friends. It’s a true mark of a person’s unity of life- consistency in character throughout their different stages in life!
Yes!! Love and totally agree! It is a gift!