My perspective has changed and I now love reading more than one book at a time. A few weeks ago, I posted a photo on Instagram showing 4 of the 6 books I’m was reading at the time. Here are a few thoughts on why I read several books at a time, and why I think you should too!
I’m not always in the same mood.
I don’t often have the time to sit down and read a whole book in one sitting. So, if I’m breaking it up over time it’s likely that I will be in a different mood the next time I sit down to read. I may be thinking about something different. I may want something more light-hearted. I may want something deeper. If I am only reading one book at a time and I am in the mood for something different, I typically don’t read at all. Having options, allows me to pick up something that matches my mood and get sucked in. I find that if I’m reading multiple books I read more frequently, and typically enjoy them more.
I think some books are best absorbed over time.
Good coffee is brewed one drip at a time and some books are the same. Some lessons are best learned over time. Some principles are more effectively implemented over time. I do this a lot with Timothy Keller. I will read only two or three pages in each sitting because I want to take time to fully absorb what he is saying. If I read a book quickly I often forget key parts of it’s message.
Reading multiple things at once can often make you see all of them in a different light. The first time I read “Make It Happen” by Lara Casey I loved it. I read it by itself on vacation and had several takeaways from it that really helped my business. However, a few weeks ago, I re-read it much slower. At the same time I was reading “Counterfeit Gods” by Timothy Keller. It honestly made “Make It Happen” feel like a completely new book. These two messages side-by-side flattered each other so well. Instead of Lara’s message being about making your dreams come true (the way I read it the first time) her message about having your heart in the right place and your priorities straight shined through. It definitely was a much more impactful when read the second time around through the eyes of another book.
What about you?
What are you currently reading? Do you prefer reading multiple books at a time? Comment below and we can chat!
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