I have missed writing. It’s just a fact.
I tend to swing from one end of the spectrum to the other with blogging. I’m either busting my butt and posting 5 times a week or skipping months all together. The truth is, I’m just trying to find a rhythm with blogging, and I haven’t yet. Here’s what I know.
When I have the time, blogging is rejuvenating. It gets all the thoughts, passions, and inspirations out of my head and into something purposeful. I truly love fashion, styling, hair, and just talking about life. It is a joy for me to “brain dump” into this space. For right now, that is what I’m hanging onto. I don’t ever want blogging to stop being fun! I want it to always feel as rejuvenating as it does on a day like today.
I often get my “fill” on Instagram when I don’t have the time for blogging, but truthfully nothing replaces having a space all to your own to create. There is something therapeutic about the way my fingers rhythmically hit the keys, as if they are talking to a girlfriend rather than a Google doc. Brainstorming posts, styling outfits, and editing all together… there is just nothing like it.
Recently I’ve been trying to take things slow and appreciate the smaller things in life. In the pursuit of a more peaceful mind I’m trying to stop rushing through days and just be still. Things like moments of silence, steaming food on a plate, turning the page of a book. For some reason thinking about each of these small moments makes me want to blog. I’m not sure why, but maybe there is a correlation?
Maybe because blogging shouldn’t be some grand adventure, instead a way to document the little blessings the Lord gives us every day? Blogs have always been my “happy place” so it makes sense that these tiny joys would remind me of this particular joy.
I fell into blogs in a very hard season of life. I was recovering from being in a coma and hardly able to move from my sofa. I felt isolated, exhausted, and just tired of dwelling in trauma. I’m not endorsing numbing pain, but sometimes you do need a distraction. That’s what I found in blogs, a place of happy inspiration and encouragement that reminded me of life outside of my four walls. Beautiful images were like art therapy, and reading posts brought smiles to my face.
My content may not always be deep, and my writing may never be fantastic, but something about having a way to encourage people though images, words, and my imagination feels like something I could never give up on. Blogging is a part of me, at least in this stage of life.
Don’t ask me the purpose of this post, maybe just to verbally (except in writing…hmm..) process my thoughts on blogging. I want to take in the slow moments of each day and blogging encourages me to do that! Whether I have time for a post 5 days a week or once every month, here I am, just happy as a clam!
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