When I first started my business, I did not know the value of a good workspace. The couch may be comfy, but nothing compares to the productivity that stems from a desk and closed doors! So thankful for this space! Also thankful for Ikea and HomeGoods, where decor dreams come true without causing a wallet nightmare. 😉
This is actually the only time I’ve ever sat ON my desk.
I’m so grateful that the room has big windows and glass doors letting in tons of natural light! My favorite thing in my entire office is the hanging planter above my desk. It was the first thing I picked out for the room and remains my favorite still!
I love that our family piano is in this room because playing it makes the most perfect break from work!
I loooovvveee valcano candles and this Alice in Wonderland (my favorite!) themed calendar from my sweet friend Kirsten!
The magical Ikea drawers that hide ALL THE THINGS. Just don’t open them 😉
My whiteboard calendar has been a super helpful addition to my workspace! Below it is an Elle & Company workflow download that is my jam! My Mom and I couldn’t function without it!
Yellow makes me happy. Tulips make me happy. Enter: yellow tulips!!
Thanks to my sis Audrey for my lightbox! I love it! 🙂
Of course, Tucker is almost always in the room! We don’t call him the Katie Grace Office Manager for nothing!
Trying so hard to get him to sit in my chair!
Look his focus on the treat in my hand! HA!
//Desk, Drawers, Planter, Book Rack from Ikea//Computer//Chair, Lamp, Fur throw, Calendar, Pillow, Tulips, Clipboard from Home Goods//Workflow Chart//Metal Envelopes//Prints//What if I Fall Print//Paper Calendar//Light Box//Candle//Mug//Shirt//
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