Happy May friends! I hope April treated you well and that you enjoyed the sunshine, the Easter holiday, and the final month before summer truly begins!
This past month was such a sweet one, buckle up because I’ve got lots of favorites to dig into!

Saturday morning breakfasts
Dan and I have taken turns making breakfast for each other each weekend and it is just the best.

Dan Baking Cakes
We don’t take turns when it comes to baking…that one is all Dan. At least once a week I find him in the kitchen whipping up a cake and he is SO good at it! This is his favorite cookbook! This week we decided that it’s time for me to limit my sugar in takes so WHAT am I supposed to do with that folks??

Reducing TPN
I don’t usually share things like this here, but this feels like a BIG answer to prayer so I’m going to! My whole life I have been completely dependant on TPN which is a form of nutrition that goes straight into my blood stream through a feeding tube. Over the years we have increased and decreased many times to manage weight, growth, etc. This year we have seen some awesome signs that would indicate my stomach is starting to absorb bits of things here and there and this month we started a trial of taking all the fat (lipids) out of my TPN to see if I can make up the difference with just what I eat. I will still be getting fluids, sugar, nutrients, etc, but all the fat will gone. This is a HUGE answer to prayer – more than we could ever have asked for, so we are praying that the Lord would continue to provide healing, allow me to absorb what I eat and that I could stay off lipids permanently. (part of the reason I am being a little more careful about what I am eating- so stop making cakes Dan!). This is a picture of my last bag with lipids in it, I’m hoping ever! 😉

Team meetings, out first wedding, and looking for an intern
This was a fun month for work! We had our first whole team meeting of the year, shot our first wedding, and began the search for our first ever intern! I am so thankful for this team and these ladies, and the amazing clients who let us do our dream job!

Freshening up the apartment
This month I also made Meredith Facetime with me for 4 hours so that she could help me freshen things up in my apartment. Her eye for design is impeccable and I just needed a fresh perspective. Things feel lighter, fresher, and ready for spring!

Best purchase of the month by far. Dan and I are total nerds when it comes to our favorite TV show, so yes, we bought matching sweatshirts. And yes, we both wear them every day.

Birthday lunch
Meg planned a sweet lunch on my birthday and I was pinching myself the whole time for having the best family and friends!!

Our Record player
Dan and I picked up a 1950’s jazz (my very favorite) record at an antique store this month and it has been on repeat during dinner! I love love love it!

Putting books down
This is going to sound ridiculous but one of the many things that Dan has taught me in our first few months of marriage is this – it’s okay to not finish a book. Like a typical enneagram 3, I see all of life through the lens of checklists, so in my world, finishing a book you start is a must- regardless of if I’m enjoying the book. Twice he has caught me saying that I wasn’t liking the book I was reading and simply responded “then stop reading it.” It wasn’t until we began talking about it that I realized I literally NEVER do this. Not finishing a book would be unfathomable to me. Well, he has changed my mind, and this tiny little step has freed me up in silly but wonderful ways. I find myself reading far more because I’m not feeling trapped to books I don’t like. So if you are reading something you aren’t enjoying put it down! Take my word for it – it won’t kill you.

Speaking of books, one book that I DID enjoy was this one! I would HIGHLY recommend it. It is incredible eye opening and thought provoking. While I won’t endorse everything the author says, I will say it is a must – read (or listen)! I loved the audio version of it!
Go & Tell Gals & Typology Podcasts
These have been my two go-to’s this month! I have loved both of these podcasts for quite a while, but this month they have been on repeat!

Batch Working
One of my 2019 goals was to MAKE myself get into the habit of batch working. Because the business I run is so multifaceted I can often hop from task to task and find myself geting more and more distracted with each transition. I have set specific days of the weeks for specific categories of work (for example: Monday = Admin & Content Creation, Tuesday = Editing, ect). It took me weeks and weeks (I’ve been trying since the start of February) to get in a rythm with it, but I think I am finally finding my footing and BOY is it a good thing!!! I can’t express how helpful this has been! I’m still tweaking things but once I’m a little more proficient at it I plan to do a whole blog post or video about it.
Dan and I have been using this app since the start of the year for budgeting and it has been so helpful! We share an account and the app allows us to each touch base through our phones! Convenient, easy, and informative! (Also free!)
Cliff Bars
I don’t have a picture of these because I keep eating them all. My two favorite flavors are Oatmeal Raisin Walnut & Blueberry Crisp!
Wishing you a happy May!
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