There is a shiny new coffee shop in town and it is well loved by everyone including me. The downside to this delight, is that it is always packed to the brim. I had a coffee date with my sweet friend Tricia and thought it would be a good idea to go early and get some work done. Sometimes a new environment is just what I need to boost my level of productivity! So everything’s all hunky dory right? Wrong.
I walked in around 12:30…rush hour. No big deal right! I’m chill, I’m calm, I’m cool, I’m collected. I order a drink and stand awkwardly in the corner for a minute until a tiny tall table empties. I make a mad dash to the table only to set my laptop down and realize the table isn’t even the width of my computer. No big deal! I stack my planner, notebook, and coffee on top of each other and reach over the stack to type on my computer, like a delicate little flower.
Or something.
Next to me, at a big table (ya know the size you can set your coffee next to your notebook) two girls wrap up their conversation and start to head for the door. I politely ask if I can sit at their table, and they kindly say yes. I sit down and start spreading out when a young lady approaches me and says”there are four of us…and we’ve been waiting for a long time”. Had she been polite I would not have been annoyed, but the rude tone of her voice irritates me. She looks and me and I can tell she is confused at why one person would need an entire table. Not wanting to cause a scene (which has already happened), I tell them that they can have my table. They stair at me rudely while I pack up my things and move back to my tiny table.
I awkwardly try and get work done for about 30 mins which is difficult due to the lack of arm space, but doable. After a while a nice man who had witness the entire thing waves me down and points behind me. I turn, and there it is! A shiny, glowing, beautiful big table, free of people! The angels are singing and I make my way to the table. I sit and slide all of the previous persons dishes to the edge of the table to make room for my laptop.
This happiness lasted for about 3 minutes before I slid my laptop back about an inch and sent a teacup (which I did not know was behind my laptop) flying to the ground, shattering at my feet. The loud and busy coffee shop gets silent, and everyone stairs. at me. again.
This my friends, is why I shouldn’t be aloud out in public.
p.s. I should add that a nice lady from the coffee shop helped me clean up the broken dish, and that Tricia and I had a lovely time catching up. But I will mostly likely not be showing my face in there for a while.
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