External Hard Drives – The post could basically end here, because external hard drives are the bomb. In the weeks leading up to a trip I save everything I am working on onto my external hard drives. I keep ridiculous amounts of copies of everything (#weddingphotographerlife), so as I go I just save active projects to a current external. Then when I travel, I can plug that baby into whatever computer I need and have everything right at my fingertips! There is no way my laptop could hold a whole wedding, but plug my external in and I’m good to go! I’ve had the best success with Seagate brand hard drives!
Email Responders – At the beginning of each season I update my email signature to include upcoming out of office dates. This way, as I’m emailing leading up to the trip people have a heads up that I will have a slower email response time during my trip. Then as I leave for the trip I set up a vacation responder saying that I am out of town and when I will be back. I do this even if I plan to check emails! Trips are unpredictable and I can’t tell you how many times I have thought I would have a chance to check my emails daily and then haven’t! This way people don’t think you are ignoring them!
Power converters – I love working on road trips! Being trapped in a car for 13+ hours is my dream! No distractions!! That being said, my laptop definitely doesn’t last that long! I love my cigarette lighter to outlet converter because I can stay charged up the whole trip! Here is one for you to check out!
Wake up early – This may not be your idea of a vacation, but I love to wake up early and get all my work done in the wee hours of the morning. That way I can spend my day how I like without the pressure of having an unfinished to-do list.
Underestimate how much you will get done – It’s just the facts, you probably won’t get as much done as you think you will. That’s okay! Just prepare for it in the weeks leading up to the trip and set realistic expectations for yourself! This way if you get everything done, GREAT! But if not, you are still able to enjoy your trip without the dreaded “work-guilt.”
Do you travel with work often? I am no pro, so comment and tell me your best tips!
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